Thursday 19 October 2023
Pictures of the BJA 60th Anniversary Event Belgian-Japanese Investments – Past, Present and Future
The pictures are now viewable.
The Legal and Tax Committee is responsible for monitoring significant tax and legal developments in Belgium and in the EU and attempting to influence, in a constructive way, legislative and administrative decisions in such fashion as to promote the best interests of the Japanese and international business community in Belgium.
The Legal & Tax Committee aims to improve the overall climate for doing business in Belgium by the maintenance of and improvement to existing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives and, in general, to promote the continued improvement in the overall legal and tax climate for investors.
The Legal & Tax Committee furthermore promotes to minimize the additional administrative burden imposed on companies by the introduction of new rules and to continuously improve the user-friendliness and speed of the daily interface between the Belgian authorities and foreign investors.
Chairman: Wim EYNATTEN
If you wish to contact the Legal & Tax Committee, kindly send a message to the BJA office or to the committee members directly.