Thursday 7 March 2024
Pictures of the BJA Webinar: The EU in 2024 and Beyond: Changes, Challenges, Continuity
The pictures are now viewable.
The EU Committee is focusing at finding ways to bridge the gap between current developments at the level of the European Union and the members' business interests. The goals of this committee are, therefore, based on the members’ needs, to organize meetings with EU Representatives and inform members on European matters accordingly. The Committee aims to increase our Association’s visibility towards the EU institutions. The EU Committee can also foster initiatives with other BJA Committees and with European sister organisations.
Chair: Mr Maxime Cools
EU observing committee members:
Mr. Daisuke Okabe (Minister) of the Japanese Mission to the EU
Mr. Koichi Sato of the Japanese Mission to the EU
If you wish to contact the EU Committee, kindly send a message to the BJA office or to the committee members directly.