Photo: BJA VIP Luncheon One year after the EU-Japan EPA: where are we now?

© Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock

BJA VIP Luncheon One year after the EU-Japan EPA: where are we now?

With His Excellency Kazuo Kodama, Ambassador of the Japanese Mission to the EU and Mr Marco Chirullo, EU Deputy Chief Negotiator of the EPA & Deputy Head of Unit Far East at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Trade.

One year after the entry into force of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), positive results are already visible, with both parties benefiting from the agreement.

Having both been at the center stage of the negotiations, His Excellency Ambassador Kodama and Mr Chirullo will share their views on the current and future impact of the EPA and discuss the way ahead for EU-Japan business and trade relations.


11:20  Registration with welcome drinks

12:00  Welcome words by Mrs Danielle Vermaelen, Partner EY and BJA EU Committee Chair

  • Presentation by His Excellency Kazuo Kodama, Ambassador of the Japanese Mission to the EU
  • Presentation by Mr Marco Chirullo, EU Deputy Chief Negotiator of the EPA & Deputy Head of Unit Far East, EC DG Trade
  • Discussion with Q&A opportunities

(Kindly send your questions in advance to the BJA at

14:00  Event adjourns

The pictures of this event can now be viewed below.


03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01469
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03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01611
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03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01626
03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01627
03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01628
03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01629
03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01633
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03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01635
03-03-2020 BJA VIP Lunch: One year after the EPA: Where are we now ? - DSC01636

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